What does the Lake Central Athletic Booster Club do?
Supports all athletic teams with money raised through dues and fundraisers
For the 2020-2022 Fiscal Year, the Booster Club awarded the Athletic Department over $24,000. Teams are supported on a rotating basis determined by the LCHS Athletic Director.
Active parent membership qualifies your student for scholarships given to graduating senior athletes
Seven $1,500 scholarships were awarded in May 2021
Membership Levels
Lake Central Athletic Booster Club offers two levels of annual membership:
Chief Membership $100 includes annual membership for a family and a Lake Central Athletics tumbler. This level of membership provides the highest level of support for LCHS Student Athletes.
Indian Membership $35 includes annual membership for a family.
Membership terms span the LCHS school year.
Join Now!
Complete our online membership form and join today!